Interventions are specific skill-building strategies that are implemented and monitored in order for students to learn a new skill, increase fluency in a skill, or generalize an existing skill. They include assessment, planning, and monitoring progress. Instructional interventions are set up in ways that help track progress. If students need more and more intense interventions, it can be an early sign of learning differences. It can also help schools determine who qualifies for special education.
Smackover High School offers three specific support structures for students who may need extra help in a particular subject or skill:
B.U.C.K.S. Time is an effort to better identify and support the needs of all students. The intervention time is known as B.U.C.K.S. Time (Building Up Core Knowledge and Skills). During this period of time, students are able to receive additional support from English and Math teachers on specific skills or concepts. In addition, we want to ensure the class instructional time is focused on the introduction of new class material as it is being taught in the whole class setting.
In conjunction with the intervention support, SHS also implements a support structure to intervene on behalf of students that are not completing and turning in their assignments. Through this support structure, students are provided a focused, uninterrupted time to complete these outstanding assignments.
Students that do not need additional support in English and/or Math and have no missed assignments are assigned a study hall during this period of time to read, do homework, listen to audio books or music.
We are committed to providing the support structures needed to promote increased levels of success for all students.